Vote For Mochi

IMPORTANT NOTES: Voting is currently closed. We will announce when it's reopened so you can continue to cast your votes for Mochi!

After using Mochi Bot for a while, did you have a satisfactory experience with our product? If you did, please rate us by using the $vote or the slash command instead (/vote).

Your rating is not only a reflection of our work but also our motivation to build a better experience for Mochi Bot! Let me tell you a secret, you will get more rewards when voting for us!!! Such a win-win, right?

Now, run the command $help vote to explore this amazing function:

  • $vote: Display the voting link on and, with your voting process.

  • $vote set #<channel>: Set an independent channel only serving for voting.

  • $vote info: Show the voting channel information.

  • $vote remove: Remove the configured vote channel.

  • $vote top: Show the top voter in your server.

Last updated